Friday, July 18, 2008

Check out this conference

The annual Hydrological Society meeting will be in Flagstaff on September 21 to 24. Also the AIPG (professional geologists) meeting is simultaneous. They have both workshops and some very interesting field trips.

I haven't checked out the pricing to see if it is possible to just go on a field trip or attend a lecture of interest without signing up for the whole conference. Included at the site is a "Phoenix to Flagstaff" geology road guide (pdf file) which is worth a look if you drive on I17.


Friday, July 11, 2008

May earthquake Sichuan China

This is a detailed paper on the 7.9 earthquake in China . It is a technical GSA report with some good illustrations of the geologic details of the quake. Very interesting since this is not a place where quakes would be expected on a regular basis.

GSA Journals Online - Journal -

Harry Allen

"Anatomy of the Grand Canyon"

I found a review of a new geology/photo book on the Grand Canyon in Lee Allisons blog.

Arizona Geology: New book: "Anatomy of the Grand Canyon"

This could go in my ever increasing collection of Canyon books.

Harry Allen

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Volcanic Field Trip

Terry Steinborn is leading a trip to the San Francisco Volcanics on July 19 th . The bus trip leaves from the flagpole at Yavapai College at 7:00 am and returns about 5:00

The trip costs $30.00 and you bring your own lunch. Call the OLLI office at 717-7634 to make a reservation. There are about 20 openings at last check.

Harry Allen

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Flooding Visible from Space

Take a look at the flooding on the Mississippi.

Iowa, Illinois and Missouri Flooding Visible from Space

Even those busy beavers at the Corps of Engineers can't control mother nature.

Remember: Flood Plains are Plains that Flood! Duh!

We just got back from Flordia and it is HOT and HUMID there-- I need to dehydrate.

Harry Allen