Here is a link to Paul Lindberg's Article on the Devils Kitchen Sinkhole in Sedona. This is one of the sinkholes we visited on the Sedona field trip that Paul lead for the Club.
Arizona Geology | Online!
Happy New Year to All
Harry Allen
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Great Photo of mud bubble exploding
This is a link to a great photo of a mud bubble exploding at the giant mud volcano in Indonesia.They can be up to 30 feet in diameter.
From Close Up or Far Away, Amazing Volcano Photos | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
Happy holidays to all
Harry Allen
From Close Up or Far Away, Amazing Volcano Photos | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
Happy holidays to all
Harry Allen
Monday, December 21, 2009
Yellowstone’s “Super Plume” of Molten Rock Bigger Than Originally Thought | Courtney Lowery | New West Blog | NewWest.Net
Ed Wolf sent us an interesting article on the Yellowstone "Super Plume"
It would be a Super volcano if it ever went off again.
Yellowstone’s “Super Plume” of Molten Rock Bigger Than Originally Thought | Courtney Lowery | New West Blog | NewWest.Net
Harry Allen
It would be a Super volcano if it ever went off again.
Yellowstone’s “Super Plume” of Molten Rock Bigger Than Originally Thought | Courtney Lowery | New West Blog | NewWest.Net
Harry Allen
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Paul Lindburgs Grand Canyon models
Delores Manburg sent us a link to the You Tube videos of Paul Lindburg's Grand Canyon Lecture about the origin of Grand Canyon.
Paul gives the very best overview of the geologic history of the Canyon. His handmade models are the Greatest!!
Each of the videos run about 7 minutes.
We will be getting the rest of Mr. Lindberg's presentation posted as soon as we can work our way through them.
Here are the links - 1st half - 2nd half
Copy the links if they don't work.
Harry Allen
Paul gives the very best overview of the geologic history of the Canyon. His handmade models are the Greatest!!
Each of the videos run about 7 minutes.
We will be getting the rest of Mr. Lindberg's presentation posted as soon as we can work our way through them.
Here are the links - 1st half - 2nd half
Copy the links if they don't work.
Harry Allen
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Video of Submarine Valcanic Eruption
Here is a first video of a volcanic eruption at about 4000 ft sub sea -- this is how pillow lava is formed.
Harry Allen
Harry Allen
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Arizona topo maps
Lee Allison reports in his blog that there are new downloadable topo maps available for Arizona
Arizona Geology: Arizona coverage with new generation topo maps
Arizona Geology: Arizona coverage with new generation topo maps
Arizona topo maps
Lee Allison our state geologist reports :
New next gen topo maps are available for Arizona. They can be downloaded and printed on your printer.
Arizona Geology: Arizona coverage with new generation topo maps
Harry Allen
New next gen topo maps are available for Arizona. They can be downloaded and printed on your printer.
Arizona Geology: Arizona coverage with new generation topo maps
Harry Allen
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Geology Story of the Verde formation
Steve Ayres of the Verde News wrote a good overview of those White rocks in the Verde Valley
geology story
Harry Allen
geology story
Harry Allen
Thursday, November 12, 2009
End of the BIF's
Another article on what could have been the cause of the end the Banded Iron Formation Deposition about 1.85 Billion years ago.
Giant Asteroid Impact Could Have Stirred Entire Ocean | Wired Science |
Harry Allen
Giant Asteroid Impact Could Have Stirred Entire Ocean | Wired Science |
Harry Allen
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Banded Iron Formations:
a "new" BIF depositional model:
Banded Iron Formations: Interaction of Air, Water and Rocks
Some thoughts on how our BIFs got here.
Banded Iron Formations: Interaction of Air, Water and Rocks
Some thoughts on how our BIFs got here.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Metamorphic Rocks Class change
Hard Rock Fans take note:
Terry Steinborn's Metamorphic Rocks class At Yavapai Community Ed has been changed to the SpringII Session (April-May). It was going to be given in the SpringI session.
Harry Allen
Terry Steinborn's Metamorphic Rocks class At Yavapai Community Ed has been changed to the SpringII Session (April-May). It was going to be given in the SpringI session.
Harry Allen
Friday, October 23, 2009
Happy "birthday," dear planet
(From the Nova Geoblog). Happy 6013th Birthday Earth.
NOVA Geoblog: Happy "birthday," dear planet
??How many of our legislators still believe in this Date is correct?? Are they having a birthday party today?
Harry Allen
NOVA Geoblog: Happy "birthday," dear planet
??How many of our legislators still believe in this Date is correct?? Are they having a birthday party today?
Harry Allen
Sunday, October 18, 2009
'Shiva' Crater In India
Look at this giant Crater identified off India( 500 km diameter)
PALAEOBLOG: Did 'Shiva' Crater In India Doom The Dinosaurs?
Harry Allen
PALAEOBLOG: Did 'Shiva' Crater In India Doom The Dinosaurs?
Harry Allen
Thursday, October 15, 2009
'Scary' climate message from past
The blog Arizona Geology had a link to this news- It is sobering if you know anyone on the coasts. So long Flordia with a rise of the sea levelof 80 to 130 feet.
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Scary' climate message from past
Harry Allen
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Scary' climate message from past
Harry Allen
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Big One Video
Here is a video of what could happen to California when the "Big One" goes near LA
Harry Allen
Harry Allen
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Arizona Geological Survey
Take this survey to rate the programs of the State Survey. It could determine what goes extinct.
The Arizona Geological Survey | Home |
Harry Allen
The Arizona Geological Survey | Home |
Harry Allen
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Arizona Memory Project : Browse
Arizona Geology has a link to old geologic reports from some of the mining districts around the state. Some old photos are also in the data
Arizona Memory Project : Browse
Harry Allen
Arizona Memory Project : Browse
Harry Allen
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Walking tour of historic Walker
Barbara and Jim Marcel have graciously offered to lead a 5.5 mile hike of the historic Walker mining district on Saturday, September 26. We will meet at 8 am at the Petsmart parking lot by Walker Road to carpool. Bring a lunch, water, and wear appropriate clothing including good walking shoes. The trip should be over in early afternoon. No pets, please.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Fall Adult Education Geology Classes
Yavapai College has an upcoming class on the Geology of Arizona's Parks & Monuments taught by Terry Steinborn and Harry Allen. Classes will be on Thursdays, 9-11 am, at the college from September 17 through October 22. There will also be a separate Edventure field trip -"The Volcanoes of Northern Arizona" to the Flagstaff area on October 23. Visit (class), www.yc/edu.edv (field trip) or call 717-7755 to register.
Friday, August 7, 2009
| Geologic Structures
Check out George Davis's rock collection in 3D --So that you can see all sides of the rock structure. They take a little time to load but it is almost like looking at a hand specimen.
Welcome | Geologic Structures
Harry Allen
Welcome | Geologic Structures
Harry Allen
Monday, July 27, 2009
Chinleana: Repeat Photography
Bill Parker at the Petrified Forest has an interesting set of repeat photos fron the Park. As you can see there has not been much change in the rocks since the 1920's. Erosion is slow in the high desert.
Chinleana: Repeat Photography - Charles Camp and Annie Alexander - 1921
Harry Allen
Chinleana: Repeat Photography - Charles Camp and Annie Alexander - 1921
Harry Allen
San Pedro River report presages Verde's future
The Camp Verde Bugle does a good job explaining how the San Pedro decision could effect the Water Wars for the Verde water. "Sub flow" is what the battle is all about.
CVBugle - San Pedro River report presages Verde's future
This will be used in the law suits for the Verde Waters
Harry Allen
CVBugle - San Pedro River report presages Verde's future
This will be used in the law suits for the Verde Waters
Harry Allen
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Acid rain responsible for mass extinction at T/J boundary
Triassic/Jurassic Extinction Info. from new paper. internals: Acid rain responsible for mass extinction at T/J boundary
Harry Allen internals: Acid rain responsible for mass extinction at T/J boundary
Harry Allen
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Great NewTopographic Map of the World
To all Map lovers:
This is a very cool Topographic map of the World
The Most Complete Topographic Map of the World
Harry Allen
This is a very cool Topographic map of the World
The Most Complete Topographic Map of the World
Harry Allen
Friday, July 3, 2009
State Senator: 'Earth has lasted 6,000 years without environmental laws'
Lee Allison's post on one of our senators
Arizona Geology: State Senator: 'Earth has lasted 6,000 years without environmental laws'
Do you ever wonder how we get such great laws in Arizona???
Harry Allen ( no relation )
Arizona Geology: State Senator: 'Earth has lasted 6,000 years without environmental laws'
Do you ever wonder how we get such great laws in Arizona???
Harry Allen ( no relation )
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Are they working on making Mammoths in Scottsdale?? Should they be the Mexican Hairless variety for summers in the Valley? Check this post from Archea:
Harry Allen
Harry Allen
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sarychev Peak Eruption
This is a great shot of a volcanic eruption on June 12 2009
Sarychev Peak Eruption, Kuril Islands : Image of the Day
Harry Allen
Sarychev Peak Eruption, Kuril Islands : Image of the Day
Harry Allen
Clean Energy and Quake Fears
This is a article that Terry Steinborn sent us about Geothermal Energy
Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake Fears -
Harry Allen
Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake Fears -
Harry Allen
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Stone Goat
There is a rock and fossil shop in Prescott:
Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce
It is in the parking lot at the southeast corner of Cortez and Sheldon streets(between the two pizza places)
Check it out.
Harry Allen
Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce
It is in the parking lot at the southeast corner of Cortez and Sheldon streets(between the two pizza places)
Check it out.
Harry Allen
Friday, May 29, 2009
Verde News - Big Chino: The big water bank
Here ia a Verde News article on the Big Chino aquifer-Where Prescott would like to take its the water to ship in its pipeline to our homes .
Verde News - Big Chino: The big water bank
Harry Allen
Verde News - Big Chino: The big water bank
Harry Allen
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Gold Prospecting --Old AGS papers
The AGS has put some of the old Gold Papers on the web. Make your fortune this Summer.
AZGS Mineral Resources Gold Prospecting
Harry Allen
AZGS Mineral Resources Gold Prospecting
Harry Allen
Monday, May 11, 2009
Iron King mine fact sheet
The EPA released a fact sheet on our local Super Fund site at the Iron King Mine in Dewey.
IKM May 09.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Stay away from Chaparral Gulch.
Harry Allen
IKM May 09.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Stay away from Chaparral Gulch.
Harry Allen
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Lost World -- dinosaurs survived mass extinction
News of some lonely Hadrosaurs in New Mexico after the K/T event
Science News Examiner: Evidence shows some large dinosaurs survived mass extinction
Birds may not have been the only Dinosaurs to survive.
Harry Allen
Science News Examiner: Evidence shows some large dinosaurs survived mass extinction
Birds may not have been the only Dinosaurs to survive.
Harry Allen
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Toroweap Point - Grand Canyon
Last week we camped at Toroweap Point and had a great View of the Uinkaret lava flow that formed lava falls when it cascaded nearly 3000 feet into the Grand Canyon.
Here is a gigapan of the flow with Lava Falls below on the river.
Harry Allen
Here is a gigapan of the flow with Lava Falls below on the river.
Harry Allen
Beach Boys song -- Out on the Coconino
Here is a piece from The Geotripper Blog for the summer on the plateau
"In the meantime, for those of you who will be headed out to the open range this summer, especially the southwest that I love so much, I offer another bit of poetry from the archives. In honor of the Beach Boys, it can be set to the tune of "Kokomo" (thanks to our department poet laureate Vicki)
Out on the old plateau
Far away from Modesto
We're camped out on the Navajo
With no place to go
Out on the Coconino
Arches had the wind
Lovely was the Grand Canyon
Cedar Mesa was the best there'd been
It felt like Heaven
Out on the Coconino
Zoraster, disaster, drive a little faster
Chinle, please hurry, we're all a little weary
Jurassic, Triassic, we say it's just fantastic
Colorado Plateau
Out on the Coconino
Just when we start to snooze
CB crackles with Garry's news,
"Hey guys? Can you name that rock,
back there at six o'clock?"
Out on the Coconino
Her Garry! It's scary!
Those cliffs were really hairy
Arches and bridges, volcanoes, faults and itches
Surprises, moonrises, this trip has had some hitches,
but best of all, we're still all
out on the Coconino!
Harry Allen
"In the meantime, for those of you who will be headed out to the open range this summer, especially the southwest that I love so much, I offer another bit of poetry from the archives. In honor of the Beach Boys, it can be set to the tune of "Kokomo" (thanks to our department poet laureate Vicki)
Out on the old plateau
Far away from Modesto
We're camped out on the Navajo
With no place to go
Out on the Coconino
Arches had the wind
Lovely was the Grand Canyon
Cedar Mesa was the best there'd been
It felt like Heaven
Out on the Coconino
Zoraster, disaster, drive a little faster
Chinle, please hurry, we're all a little weary
Jurassic, Triassic, we say it's just fantastic
Colorado Plateau
Out on the Coconino
Just when we start to snooze
CB crackles with Garry's news,
"Hey guys? Can you name that rock,
back there at six o'clock?"
Out on the Coconino
Her Garry! It's scary!
Those cliffs were really hairy
Arches and bridges, volcanoes, faults and itches
Surprises, moonrises, this trip has had some hitches,
but best of all, we're still all
out on the Coconino!
Harry Allen
Field Trip Details
For the May 9 Flagstaff field trip:
Car Pool from Prescott leaves promptly at 7:30 from the Fry's parking lot at Willow Creek and Sandretto. Park behind the Wells Fargo bank.
9:15 Meet at the Museum of Northern Arizona. Regular admission is $7.00. We will split into two group with tours of the therizinosaur exhibit led by Dave Gillette, curator of geology and discoverer of the dinosaur. While one group tours the exhibit, the other group can explore the museum. From 9:15-9:45 Wayne Ranney will be available to describe the geology exhibits at the museum.
12:00 Leave museum, take Rte 180 north and west to Red Mountain.
12:30 Meet at Red Mountain parking lot.
12:30-1:00 Picnic lunch.
1:00-1:30 Hike in to Red Mountain to explore this interesting cinder cone. Nancy Riggs and Ed Wolfe will be available to discuss the geology.
Car Pool from Prescott leaves promptly at 7:30 from the Fry's parking lot at Willow Creek and Sandretto. Park behind the Wells Fargo bank.
9:15 Meet at the Museum of Northern Arizona. Regular admission is $7.00. We will split into two group with tours of the therizinosaur exhibit led by Dave Gillette, curator of geology and discoverer of the dinosaur. While one group tours the exhibit, the other group can explore the museum. From 9:15-9:45 Wayne Ranney will be available to describe the geology exhibits at the museum.
12:00 Leave museum, take Rte 180 north and west to Red Mountain.
12:30 Meet at Red Mountain parking lot.
12:30-1:00 Picnic lunch.
1:00-1:30 Hike in to Red Mountain to explore this interesting cinder cone. Nancy Riggs and Ed Wolfe will be available to discuss the geology.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Arizona /New Mexico state line
Here is a link to the story about the real location of the Arizona New Mexico state line . It seems to be at a different location than the Four Corners Marker/Park on the Reservation.
The American Surveyor Magazine - Land Surveying and Mapping Online
Harry Allen
The American Surveyor Magazine - Land Surveying and Mapping Online
Harry Allen
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Phytosaur Skull Excavation
Bill Parker posted the first in a series about a Phytosaur being excavated near the Petrified Forest. It is interesting to see what they look like in the field when first found.
Chinleana: Phytosaur Skull Excavation
Harry Allen
Chinleana: Phytosaur Skull Excavation
Harry Allen
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Alaska's Mount Redoubt
Great pictures of the eruption of Mt Redoubt
Alaska's Mount Redoubt - The Big Picture -
Harry Allen
Alaska's Mount Redoubt - The Big Picture -
Harry Allen
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Verde Water Case What is Subflow?
Lee Allisons blog has this reference to an interesting legal case. It is about what is "Subflow" and what is "Ground Water". It could change the legal definition of water rights in the state.
Arizona Geology: Groundwater-surface water subflow case in the Verde Valley
Does surface water stop at the bottom of a river?
Harry Allen
Arizona Geology: Groundwater-surface water subflow case in the Verde Valley
Does surface water stop at the bottom of a river?
Harry Allen
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
new time scale, updated and in color : All of My Faults Are Stress Related
Kim Hannula posted a link to a new GSA time scale-- if you need one go to the full size version
Geological Society of America's time scale, updated and in color : All of My Faults Are Stress Related
Harry Allen
Geological Society of America's time scale, updated and in color : All of My Faults Are Stress Related
Harry Allen
Friday, March 27, 2009
Salton Sea quake swarm
Lee Allison has an interesting picture of the quakes in the Salton Sea . A big one there could effect the
near-by towns in Arizona.
Arizona Geology: Bombay Beach earthquake swarm continuing
Wait and see
Harry Allen
near-by towns in Arizona.
Arizona Geology: Bombay Beach earthquake swarm continuing
Wait and see
Harry Allen
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mount Redoubt in Alaska Erupting
Late last night, March 22, Mount Redoubt in Alaska started erupting. It has been showing signs of activity for some time, and the eruption followed two days of increasing seismic activity. Redoubt is near Cook Inlet not far from Anchorage, so volcanic ash is a concern for airplanes. Follow the activity at the Alaska Volcano Observatory:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Havasupai Opens May 1st
The Havasupai will reopen the trails May 1 st after all the trail damage from the big flood is finished. It could be a chance to really see the effects of the flood.
Havasupai Tribe
Harry Allen
Havasupai Tribe
Harry Allen
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Archaeology Meets Astronomy & Geology
Dr. Ted Bunch will be speaking at the Smoki Pueblo Museum on Saturday March 28 at 2:00 pm. He will talk about his "Black Mat Theory," hypothesizing that an extraterrestrial body exploding in the upper atmosphere 13,000 years ago was the culprit that lead to a "mini nuclear winter" that devastated the earth, wiping out most of the megafauna and their habitat.
This is part of Archaeology Awareness Month, and the Smoki Museum will be open to the public at no charge that day.
This is part of Archaeology Awareness Month, and the Smoki Museum will be open to the public at no charge that day.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March 7 field trip

This is Paul Lindburg explaining the origin of the sinkholes in the Sedona area. They are from collapse of the overlying sandstone into a cave system in the Redwall limestone 500 or more feed below. The Redwall is the aquifer carrying water from the Rim to the Verde River under the town of Sedona.

This is Paul explaining the outcrop evidence for the timing of the faulting that formed the Verde Valley.
Paul again put on a tremendous field trip. It was attended by 35 people of all levels of geologic expertise and they all learned new things. His ability the communicate the "Geologic Story" to everyone makes for a great trip.
Harry Allen
gigapan: verde outcrop

I took my first Gigapan of one of the outcrops we visited on our Club field trip to the Sedona area last weekend .
Paul Lindburg lead us on another great trip-- his third. This outcrop is important in explaining the origin of the Verde Valley.
This is a labeled detail view of the faulting.
Pz is the red Permian Supai Sandstone which was deposited first.
Across the normal fault on the downdropped side are the Tertiary Volcanics from the House Mountain Volcano (Miocene) which overlay the Supai.
On top of the Permian is Gravel 1 which was transported to the north carrying clasts from the highlands in central Arizona. These deposits include include Paleozoic and Mazatzal gravels derived from the south, indicating they were deposited when the Bradshaw Mountains were much higher and rivers flowed to the north and northeast in the opposite direction from today.
On top of the entire outcrop and younger than the faulting is Gravel 2 which was transported to the west towards the center of the Verde Grabben. It contains clasts from both the underlying Tertiary House Mountain basalt and the Supai in a red matrix of mud and sand.
The conclusion from this outcrop is that the formation of the Verde Valley Grabben occurred during the Basin and Range Extentional Orogeny (6 m.a. more or less) and after the the Eruption of the Volcanics from House Mountain (aprox 13m.a.).
Harry Allen
Monday, February 23, 2009
Google Earth Geology
More neat map stuff.
San Diego State University has some great Google Earth maps of geologic features. There is even a Geologic Map of the Grand Canyon for your next trip.
SDSU - Department of Geological Sciences - Google Earth Geology
Harry Allen
San Diego State University has some great Google Earth maps of geologic features. There is even a Geologic Map of the Grand Canyon for your next trip.
SDSU - Department of Geological Sciences - Google Earth Geology
Harry Allen
Digital Geological Map of AZ
The state Survey has a digital Geologic map ( one to 1 million scale) that can be seen as a overlay for Google maps. This is a cool way to look at the Geologic map at any scale and also have all the roads to orient your selves.
The Arizona Geological Survey Map Services Geological Map of AZ
It is not very detailed but it is a good overview of the state geology.
Harry Allen
The Arizona Geological Survey Map Services Geological Map of AZ
It is not very detailed but it is a good overview of the state geology.
Harry Allen
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Montezuma Well
Lee Allison's blog led me to Steve Ayres article in the Verde News. It is a article about the subsurface of the Montezuma Well . Very interesting.
Verde News - Years of exploring the curious bottom of Montezuma Well
Harry Allen
Verde News - Years of exploring the curious bottom of Montezuma Well
Harry Allen
Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists
WAVP meeting Feb 12,13,14 2009
We went to a Vertebrate Paleontologists Meeting (WAVP) at the Petrified Forest last week. It began with a 200th birthday party for Charles Darwin on the 12th followed by a Field Trip in the Petrified Forest and a full day of professional papers.
The field trip started with a tour of the Fossil Prep. lab. This is where the bones go after they have been covered in plaster and removed to the lab. The Prep people remove the matrix and stabilize the bones. It is a real art.
The main fossil animal they have found in the Petrified Forest is not a true "Dinosaur" -- it is a Phytosaur --a large Croc like animal that lived in the streams of the Triassic . There are only a few true Dinosaurs found in the Park. Thanks to the New Mexico Museum of Natural History for the Phytosaur Illustration below:

The Field Trip was led by Bill Parker -the Staff Paleontologist in the park. He explained the new work they have been doing on the geology of the park. They have revised the stratigraphy as well as digging new fossils during the field season.

We had one off-trail hike into the muddy Chinle badlands to see one of the very productive fossil locations.
The next day was four sessions of technical papers about the latest research in Vertebrate Paleontology - much technical and over our heads as non-specialists, but others very informative. Overall it was a great couple of days. Bill organized an excellent conference. He has also put together a very informative paleontology exhibit at the park headquarters (proving that a quality exhibit can be made with limited funds.)
Harry and Debbie Allen
Monday, February 16, 2009
Feb. 28 Field Trip to Sedona
Paul Lindberg will be leading the third in his series of field trips in the Jerome/Verde Valley/Sedona area on Saturday February 28. Car pooling is encouraged due to limited parking at some of the locations. Either a Red Rock pass or Golden Age pass will be required for each car.
There will be a car pool leaving Prescott at 7:45 at the Fry's parking lot on Willow Creek and Sandretto (south of Willow Terrace); meet behind the Wells Fargo Bank. We will rendevous with Paul at 9:00 at a viewpoint parking area on the south side of Highway 89A about a mile east of the Page Springs turnoff.
This will be an all-day trip, ending around 4 pm. Bring a lunch, water, and appropriate clothing, including hiking boots for some rock scrambling. Running shoes are not recommended.
We require a signed waiver for everyone on the trip. These are good for the May '08- June '09 year and will be available at the departure point.
There will be a car pool leaving Prescott at 7:45 at the Fry's parking lot on Willow Creek and Sandretto (south of Willow Terrace); meet behind the Wells Fargo Bank. We will rendevous with Paul at 9:00 at a viewpoint parking area on the south side of Highway 89A about a mile east of the Page Springs turnoff.
This will be an all-day trip, ending around 4 pm. Bring a lunch, water, and appropriate clothing, including hiking boots for some rock scrambling. Running shoes are not recommended.
We require a signed waiver for everyone on the trip. These are good for the May '08- June '09 year and will be available at the departure point.
Wayne Ranney to Speak at Library
Wayne Ranney will be speaking at the Prescott Library on Thursday, March 5 at 7 pm. He will be giving a presentation and book signing of the new book he has co-authored with Ron Blakey, Tracing the Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
There is a web site that give map info. about where the federal land is -- so that you can wander about and not tresspass. You can also see maps of the mining claims.
Download the PLSS to make your own maps by adding any layer you need --topo ,Tand R ,Roads, Land ownership. Then print them out for field use. They also seem to have some other useful mapping tools if you need them.
GeoCommunicator Home
Download the PLSS to make your own maps by adding any layer you need --topo ,Tand R ,Roads, Land ownership. Then print them out for field use. They also seem to have some other useful mapping tools if you need them.
GeoCommunicator Home
Anaconda movie star found in Columbia
Remember the 1967 movie Anaconda and the ridiculous large snake. They found fossil evidence for a even bigger one. Again a case of the the movies predicting the geologic past.
Associated Press: Ancient fossil find: This snake could eat a cow!
Harry Allen
Associated Press: Ancient fossil find: This snake could eat a cow!
Harry Allen
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What Geologists do
Here is a cool video from the AGI about why it is fun to be a geologist.
Harry Allen
Harry Allen
Friday, January 23, 2009
WAVP meeting
Below is the information on the Vertebrate Paleo meeting that was discussed at our last meeting.
It would be a good chance to learn about the Chinle and its Dinosaurs (A visit to Triassic Park)
Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists (WAVP) Annual Meeting 2009
Dates: February 13-15, 2009.
Hosts: Petrified Forest National Park and Northland Pioneer College
Symposium Location: Petrified Forest National Park Painted Desert Visitor Center, Interstate 40, Exit 311, 24 miles east of Holbrook Arizona. There is a small restaurant/convenience store for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
Holbrook, Arizona is a small city of 5000 located along Interstate 40 in northeastern Arizona. Holbrook is home to numerous motels and several small restaurants (mostly Mexican food, but also Chinese, Italian, and American), gas stations, a grocery store (Safeway), and curio shops. Holbrook is the closest lodging to the park.
Very Important Note: When driving to the field trip and/or symposium please use the park entrance off of Exit 311 on Interstate 40. DO NOT follow the signs through Holbrook, which will direct you to the southern entrance. If you use the southern entrance it is a 50 minute drive through the park to get to the north end and you will be late.
Registration: Please contact Bill Parker at or 928-524-6228 extension 262, letting him know which functions below that you wish to attend and the number of persons in your party. Spaces available on the Zuni Basin trip are limited and will be assigned in order of registration. Please provide the names of all persons in your party as they wish it to appear on nametags.
Registration fee: There is no registration fee. All meals (except for refreshments [non-alcoholic] during the icebreaker and symposium) are the responsibility of participants. This includes lunches for the field trips. The Darwin birthday bash is BYOB although some refreshments will be provided.
Feb. 12: Charles Darwin 200th Birthday Bash – location TBA (Note: This is an “unofficial” event, i.e. not sponsored by the National Park Service or Northland Pioneer College)
Feb. 13: Day- Fieldtrip (weather permitting): Upper Triassic Geology and Paleontology of Petrified Forest National Park (led by Bill Parker, Jeff Martz, and Matt Brown). Meet at the Painted Desert Visitor Center at Petrified Forest National Park at 8:30 am. Evening – icebreaker – Northland Pioneer College Painted Desert Campus, Holbrook, AZ (specific directions will be provided later).
Feb. 14: Symposium: PDVC Petrified Forest National Park. All participants are welcome to join us for dinner in Holbrook after the symposium. Please let us know in advance if you wish to join us.
Feb. 15: Fieldtrip (weather permitting): Cretaceous localities in the Zuni Basin, New Mexico (led by Doug Wolfe). Meeting place TBA. This is the type locality for the dinosaurs Zuniceratops christopheri and Nothronychus mckinleyi. Spaces on this trip are limited and will be assigned ‘first-come – first-serve’ in order of registration. Please contact Bill Parker at to register.
We will be providing limited access to our fossil preparation facility during the symposium. Our museum collections (Late Triassic vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants) are open for research by appointment only.
It would be a good chance to learn about the Chinle and its Dinosaurs (A visit to Triassic Park)
Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists (WAVP) Annual Meeting 2009
Dates: February 13-15, 2009.
Hosts: Petrified Forest National Park and Northland Pioneer College
Symposium Location: Petrified Forest National Park Painted Desert Visitor Center, Interstate 40, Exit 311, 24 miles east of Holbrook Arizona. There is a small restaurant/convenience store for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
Holbrook, Arizona is a small city of 5000 located along Interstate 40 in northeastern Arizona. Holbrook is home to numerous motels and several small restaurants (mostly Mexican food, but also Chinese, Italian, and American), gas stations, a grocery store (Safeway), and curio shops. Holbrook is the closest lodging to the park.
Very Important Note: When driving to the field trip and/or symposium please use the park entrance off of Exit 311 on Interstate 40. DO NOT follow the signs through Holbrook, which will direct you to the southern entrance. If you use the southern entrance it is a 50 minute drive through the park to get to the north end and you will be late.
Registration: Please contact Bill Parker at or 928-524-6228 extension 262, letting him know which functions below that you wish to attend and the number of persons in your party. Spaces available on the Zuni Basin trip are limited and will be assigned in order of registration. Please provide the names of all persons in your party as they wish it to appear on nametags.
Registration fee: There is no registration fee. All meals (except for refreshments [non-alcoholic] during the icebreaker and symposium) are the responsibility of participants. This includes lunches for the field trips. The Darwin birthday bash is BYOB although some refreshments will be provided.
Feb. 12: Charles Darwin 200th Birthday Bash – location TBA (Note: This is an “unofficial” event, i.e. not sponsored by the National Park Service or Northland Pioneer College)
Feb. 13: Day- Fieldtrip (weather permitting): Upper Triassic Geology and Paleontology of Petrified Forest National Park (led by Bill Parker, Jeff Martz, and Matt Brown). Meet at the Painted Desert Visitor Center at Petrified Forest National Park at 8:30 am. Evening – icebreaker – Northland Pioneer College Painted Desert Campus, Holbrook, AZ (specific directions will be provided later).
Feb. 14: Symposium: PDVC Petrified Forest National Park. All participants are welcome to join us for dinner in Holbrook after the symposium. Please let us know in advance if you wish to join us.
Feb. 15: Fieldtrip (weather permitting): Cretaceous localities in the Zuni Basin, New Mexico (led by Doug Wolfe). Meeting place TBA. This is the type locality for the dinosaurs Zuniceratops christopheri and Nothronychus mckinleyi. Spaces on this trip are limited and will be assigned ‘first-come – first-serve’ in order of registration. Please contact Bill Parker at to register.
We will be providing limited access to our fossil preparation facility during the symposium. Our museum collections (Late Triassic vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants) are open for research by appointment only.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Private well owner?
One of our members -Edessa Carr - told us about an water quality workshop for private well owners. Good info. to have if you like drink clean water
Here is the info:
Yavapai County Cooperative Extension Offers
Free Workshop for Private Well Owners.
The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County will be offering a Private Well Owner’s Workshop on February 2nd, 2009 from 6-9pm in the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Boardroom located on 1015 Fair Street in Prescott, Arizona. In Arizona there are no water quality regulations for domestic wells. Therefore it is in the interest of the private well owner to know how to best protect their own well.
University of Arizona experts will cover the basics of well construction, safeguarding your well against contamination, recommended water quality tests, interpretation of the test results and well water treatment options. Water testing kits will be available for purchase following the seminar.
If you are a well owner, you won’t want to miss this free workshop! Free materials will be available for the first 70 registrants. This program is funded by the University of Arizona Water Sustainability Program: a collaboration of scientists and educators that is coordinated by five University of Arizona water centers.
Edessa Carr
Program Coordinator
Water Resource Education
University of Arizona
Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County
840 Rodeo Drive, #C
Prescott, AZ 86305
Phone: 928.445.6590 ext. 227
Fax: 928.445.6593
Here is the info:
Yavapai County Cooperative Extension Offers
Free Workshop for Private Well Owners.
The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County will be offering a Private Well Owner’s Workshop on February 2nd, 2009 from 6-9pm in the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Boardroom located on 1015 Fair Street in Prescott, Arizona. In Arizona there are no water quality regulations for domestic wells. Therefore it is in the interest of the private well owner to know how to best protect their own well.
University of Arizona experts will cover the basics of well construction, safeguarding your well against contamination, recommended water quality tests, interpretation of the test results and well water treatment options. Water testing kits will be available for purchase following the seminar.
If you are a well owner, you won’t want to miss this free workshop! Free materials will be available for the first 70 registrants. This program is funded by the University of Arizona Water Sustainability Program: a collaboration of scientists and educators that is coordinated by five University of Arizona water centers.
Edessa Carr
Program Coordinator
Water Resource Education
University of Arizona
Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County
840 Rodeo Drive, #C
Prescott, AZ 86305
Phone: 928.445.6590 ext. 227
Fax: 928.445.6593
Monday, January 12, 2009
Age of the Grand Canyon Debate
Wayne Ranney has compiled a list of the papers about the Age debate on the origin of the Grand Canyon. This is a Science debate in action-- we will see who wins the "Big Ditch Debate"
Earthly Musings - Blog Site of Wayne Ranney
Note: Wayne's job does get him to some great places in the world. It is a pretty "Nice Gig".
Harry Allen
Earthly Musings - Blog Site of Wayne Ranney
Note: Wayne's job does get him to some great places in the world. It is a pretty "Nice Gig".
Harry Allen
Sunday, January 4, 2009
CSI Younger Dryas: did a comet kill the mammoths?
Here is a link to an interesting hypothesis about what may have been a really bad day for some Mammoths and the Clovis people. The Younger Dryas was a really cold interval about 13,000 years ago when we lost a number of the really large mammals , such as the Mammoth.
Arizona Geology: CSI Younger Dryas: did a comet kill the mammoths?
Harry Allen
Arizona Geology: CSI Younger Dryas: did a comet kill the mammoths?
Harry Allen
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